Measuring Success in TOGAF

Measuring Success in TOGAF

Published: June 15, 2022
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Enterprise Architecture serves a crucial function when it comes to strategic transformation and optimization. By clarifying organizational requirements, goals, and capabilities, enterprise architects can guide and optimize changes across a business, realizing ideal ‘architectures’ on time and within budget.

The Open Group Enterprise Architecture (TOGAF) sets a global standard for EA and has a presence in a variety of businesses ranging from growing startups to international giants. However, despite the value of TOGAF, the details of its application are not always easy to understand – especially when it comes to its initial adoption.

With TOGAF’s potential to enhance organizations in terms of both strategic direction and lower-level operations, any competently-run business will naturally ask: How do we know TOGAF is working? Are we using the framework correctly? How can we measure the success of TOGAF?

In this article, we will take a look at how to make sure you have clear metrics for measuring the success of a TOGAF enterprise architecture initiative.

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Can You Measure the Success of TOGAF?

An important point to make about TOGAF is that, while it might be a huge name in the world of enterprise architecture, it is still just an EA tool. That is to say, the success of the framework is intrinsically linked to that of EA initiatives in general.

However, this does not mean that you cannot measure the success of TOGAF. Rather, you simply need to consider the question from two essential angles:

  1. How can I tell if TOGAF has been used correctly?

As comprehensive as the TOGAF framework is, it is not a cheat sheet. It takes a qualified practitioner to implement and adapt the framework as requirements demand, and simply following the ADM without proper training is a recipe for disaster.

When it comes to measuring the success of a TOGAF initiative, a practitioner may ask:

  • Do I have clear starting and target architectures for my organization?
  • Did I clarify the business and IT capabilities required to achieve my strategic vision?
  • Were these capabilities delivered?
  • Did I create solution architectures detailing how to correct issues with organizational structure/ design?
  • Was I able to adapt different ADM phases to suit the requirements and structure of my organization?
  • Did I define measurement criteria for the success of my EA initiative at the start?
  • Did I review progress and results at different stages of the ADM?
  1. How can I measure the success of enterprise architecture?

As we mentioned previously, TOGAF is primarily a tool used to guide and facilitate the success of enterprise architecture programs. As such, the measurements of success will depend on the program(s) in question rather than the framework itself. Here is where enterprise architects can start talking about tangible benefits and success metrics with greater clarity.

The most important thing to keep in mind here is that the goals of an initiative are the priority. Every aspect of the initiative should have a well-defined business impact as well as measurable outcomes. There is no general set of outcomes for using the TOGAF framework simply because EA programs can have a variety of targets and outcomes from case to case.

A practitioner may ask how EA is projected to impact:

  • The cost of business and IT operations
  • Overall organizational competitiveness in different markets
  • Enterprise and strategic agility (that is, the ease and speed of enterprise transformation)
  • Revenue generation and growth
  • Collaboration and clarity between business and IT
  • Alignment between business and IT
  • The successful adoption of new practices and frameworks
  • The success of a merger between two companies
  • Stakeholder priorities and considerations

Of course, this is still quite generalized. A qualified TOGAF practitioner will be able to break down targets on a far more microscopic level, listing activities in each area and ensuring they are fully aligned with the big picture.

How to Measure Success in TOGAF

Overall, measuring success in TOGAF, as well as EA in general, is largely about asking the right questions before an initiative truly gets underway. All success criteria should be defined at the start and reviewed throughout different stages of the ADM.

As far as TOGAF itself is concerned, the framework should be seen as a lens through which architects can define and work towards success. Practitioners can certainly utilize solutions architecture, business architecture, and other areas as defined by TOGAF. However, if you simply measure the success of TOGAF without considering the bigger picture, you will rarely see the full benefits of enterprise architecture transformation.

Why Study TOGAF With Good e-Learning?

Good e-Learning is an award-winning TOGAF online training provider with a diverse portfolio of fully accredited enterprise architecture certification courses. Our TOGAF Certified (Level 1 & 2) course even won the Outstanding Certification Product at the 2018 Open Group Awards.

Each of our courses comes with a variety of engaging e-learning assets, including instructor-led videos, regular knowledge checks, and gamified quizzes to help candidates with retention. We also provide practice exams, as well as free exam vouchers and resits via our Exam Pledge.

Our in-house e-learning team creates courses with insight from highly experienced subject matter experts, including a number of long-term TOGAF practitioners. This allows us to offer training that goes outside of simply getting students certified and instead equips them to begin applying frameworks in practice and even unlock exciting career opportunities.

Want to find out more? Contact a member of the Good e-Learning team today!

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