DevOps Training

DevOps online training courses and certifications

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Combining ‘Development’ and ‘Operations’ under one umbrella, DevOps offers a solution based on collaboration, automation, and continuous testing. DevOps engineers are experts at breaking down silos and establishing ‘DevOps cultures’ involving multiple teams and departments. Staff will comfortably share expertise, resources, and responsibilities, making development and operations processes much faster and more reliable.

A key point to remember is that DevOps is primarily a way of working. A DevOps culture will involve candidates in a number of roles with varying skills and expertise. What unites them is following the DevOps approach: emphasizing collaboration and sharing responsibility for the success of the pipeline by continuously driving improvement. This also helps future-proof software pipelines, as engineers will constantly be looking for new tools and ways of working to enhance releases and surpass client expectations.

DevOps, DevOps & SRE Certification

DevOps Foundation (DOFD)®

DevOps, DevOps & SRE Certification

DevOps Leader (DOL)®