Benefits of TOGAF: The Business User

Published: January 12, 2017
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What are the Benefits From TOGAF® for Different Types of Stakeholder?

In this series of blogs we’re going to examine the benefits of the TOGAF to an organization. In doing this we need to consider the various stakeholders that have a stake in architectural changes. The value and benefits for each stakeholder will vary – depending on the nature of the changes, the role and concerns of the stakeholder, and their relationship to other stakeholders.

The Business User:

Business users, from an EA perspective, are people using components in an enterprise architecture to carry out or perform business functions or operations. Key responsibilities are performing business-related tasks, activities, or operations.

Direct Benefits from Enterprise Architecture

  • Better, more appropriate components – components that are easier to use and better integrated with other components.
  • Modular business components, allowing flexibility, easier and quicker introduction of new products or processes, easier changes to business rules, etc.
  • Better synergy and collaboration with other business units. For example, shared investment in common architectural components; reuse of architecture-enabled capabilities.
  • Easier to identify or report areas of concern in components or a state of the architecture.
  • Better alignment between business needs and supporting components (e.g. applications, data, communication networks, or IT infrastructure).

Direct Benefits from TOGAF®

  • Easier to identify or define hand-offs between business planning and change processes and the Phases defined in the Architecture Development Method (ADM).
  • Focus on improving (business) capabilities, through the emphasis in TOGAF® on Capability-Based Planning
  • More likely that IT change will be business-driven, by following the flow of the ADM, resulting in better returns on business investment.
  • Use of techniques, such as Business Scenarios or Business Transformation Readiness Assessment, help

Indirect Benefits Enabled by Applying EA or TOGAF®

  • More efficient business operations.
  • More effective business operations.
  • Reduced operational costs.
  • Shorter time to market for new products.
  • More effective marketing or product promotion.
  • Improved customer satisfaction ratings.

Download the entire white paper: ‘What Are The Benefits From TOGAF For Different Types of Stakeholder?’ here for free!

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