TOGAF: HR and Personnel Departments

Published: January 24, 2017
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What are the Benefits From TOGAF® for Different Types of Stakeholder?

In this series of blogs we’re going to examine the benefits of the TOGAF to an organization.

In doing this we need to consider the various stakeholders that have a stake in architectural changes. The value and benefits for each stakeholder will vary – depending on the nature of the changes, the role and concerns of the stakeholder, and their relationship to other stakeholders.

The Human Resource or Personnel Department:

People responsible for recruitment, training, or career development within an organization.

Direct Benefits from Enterprise Architecture

  • Provides a training discipline.
  • Career opportunities beyond TOGAF® – additional training or learning.

Direct Benefits from TOGAF®

  • Provides a fairly well-accepted standard or baseline of training in Enterprise Architecture.
  • Provides certification of enterprise architects, which gives a benchmark for assessing job applicants, etc.
  • Checklists of skills in the Skills Framework.
  • Various models to help establish architecture related work teams – e.g. governance, the EA team itself, etc.

Download the entire white paper: ‘What Are The Benefits From TOGAF For Different Types of Stakeholder?’ here for free!

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